Get help

Maggie 2If you or someone you know needs help, contact us.

We will listen and never judge you.

It might be that we are not the right service to help you, but if we can, we will try and let you know who else can help.

The easiest thing to do is to ring us on 01772 623603 Monday to Friday from 9AM to 4PM. If we don’t pick up, leave a message with your phone number and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also email us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are a small team that is out and about helping people in the community so we are not always in the office.

Other people who can help

If you need to speak to someone straight away, here are some numbers and services that may help:


  • South Ribble Borough Council

SRBC Housing and Advice (over 18): 01772 436756

South Ribble Borough Council Emergency Contact Number: 01772 436756 

  • Chorley Council

Chorley Council (over 18): 01257 515151

Out of hours: 01257 515142

  • Preston City Council

Preston Council Housing and Advice (over 18): 01772 906412

Out of hours: 01772 906014

  • Key Unlocking Futures

01772 678979


0808 800 4444

  • Emmaus Preston

01772 796622

  • The Foxton Centre Preston (adults and young people)

01772 555925

  • Children’s Social Care (Under 18) (‘Social Services’): 0300 123 6720

Emergency ‘Out of Hours’ contact number: 0300 123 6722

  • Adults’ safeguarding concerns (guidance and report concerns)

Click here for Guidance with Safeguarding Concerns

  • Samaritans: 24-hour emotional support for anyone who needs to talk

Helpline: 116123

Times: Freephone 24 hours, 7 days a week

  • Papyrus: Confidential support for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them.

Helpline: 0800 068 4141   Text: 88247

 24 Hours, 7 days a week (Weekends and Bank Holidays included)

  • Young Minds: Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger, for free support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Text YM to 85258

Times: 24 hours, 7days a week

  • Domestic Violence Helpline: For anyone experiencing Domestic Violence

Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Times: 24 hours, 7days a week

  • The Mix: Free information and support for under 25s in the UK. Get advice about sex, relationships, drugs, mental health, money & jobs

Helpline: 0808 808 4994

  • Mental health Crisis Helpline Number: If there is a mental health crisis then you can contact the helpline number for Lancashire and Cumbria. The line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is staffed by trained mental health professionals who are able to provide assessment and referrals to appropriate services.

Helpline: 0800 953 0110

Times: 24/7

  • Victim Support: Victim Support is there to help anyone affected by crime.

Out of hours Support line: 0808 1689 111

This is a forum that provides crisis support, information and resources, advice, discussions and distractions. Closely monitored, available 24/7.

  • The wellbeing and mental health helpline and texting service: The Wellbeing Helpline and Texting Service a listening service for the residents of Lancashire and South Cumbria. It is a Freephone out of hours, person centred listening environment for people requiring emotional support in relation to their own wellbeing and mental health or that of someone they know.

The Call service is available Monday to Friday 7pm-11pm and Saturday to Sunday 12pm to midnight.

The Text service is available Monday to Friday 10am-11pm and Saturday to Sunday 12pm to midnight.

Contact the helpline on 0800 915 4640 or by texting Hello to 07860 022 846

We encourage people to fulfil their potential