Stela Stansfield - SLEAP CEO
Sum up your role in one sentence
Helping the greatest number of people possible, in the best way possible, with the strongest staff and volunteers’ team, for as long as possible
What do you like about SLEAP?
We believe in what we do and we do what we believe in!
What was your first job?
A summer job doing admin in an Advertising agency (sooo boring!!)
Comedy or drama?
Comedy! And I always laugh way too loud!
Can you play any instruments?
I learnt piano as a child, but I would have to learn it all again. Planning to learn cello when I retire
Have you ever had a nickname?
Estrelinha (little star in Portuguese)
If you could have any one superpower, what would you choose?
Teleportation – I love going places but don’t like the travelling. Just think, watching the sunrise on the Alps, going for a pizza in Rome and then a sunset drink in South Africa. Perfect day!!!